
Study of English : John Willie - Editors : 06

They could of course include dressmakers, and shoe makers and so on, but they don't - which perhaps is rather unfair, and it definitely seems unfair not to include the rest of mankind, for we owe a debt of gratitude to the apple or the snake, or whatever it was that put the idea of fig leaves and so on into the heads of simple, unadorned, Adam and Eve.


今回は「put the idea of fig leaves and so on into the heads of simple, unadorned, Adam and Eve.」の部分に注目してみる。

まず「fig leaves」は「イチジクの葉」のこと、「and so on」は「等」の意味、「the idea of fig leaves and so on」で「イチジクの葉などのアイデア」(あるいは「イチジクの葉のアイデアなど」? どっち?)、「the heads of simple, unadorned, Adam and Eve.」の「unadorned」は「飾りのない」「質素な」という意味で「単純で飾りのないアダムとイブの頭」、つなげると「単純で飾りのないアダムとイブの頭に、イチジクの葉などのアイデアを入れる。」となる。

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